“Fill in the Blank” for President

Hard to believe, but there are stories other than the President’s health…but they mostly tie together. Among them:

  • Gretchen Whitmer is on a national book tour promoting “True Gretch” including an appearance with Stephen Colbert, while saying that she absolutely is not running for President this year even if Joe Biden pulls out…
  • Biden has his first defection from the Michigan congressional delegation: Hillary Scholten urges the President to end his candidacy – quote – “for the good of our democracy.”
  • Inflation continues to go down, with prices on groceries, airfare, and used cars actually going down in June. Economists are united in warning that Trump’s economic plan has the potential to crash the economy.
  • In the “it’s about time” column, two members of Congress have introduced articles of impeachment against well-traveled, highly pampered Justice Clarence Thomas.
  • The Authoritarian Manifesto “Project 2025” is finally getting the attention it deserves, and Donald Trump is doing what he can to put some distance between the toxic end-of-our-democracy battle plan and his campaign. Mention Project 2025, and he echoes Sgt. Schultz: “I know nothing…nothing!”

  • And, oh yes, a four day fantasy camp is in Milwaukee this week: the national convention of the Donald Trump Kool-Aid Club.

But topping it all is the turmoil amongst Democrats over Joe Biden. Party leaders have apparently discovered that Biden is old and finally admitting he’s showing signs of advanced age. That’s the focus of this week’s discussion.


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