Lies, Sighs and Old Guys (Guest: Dr. Richard Cole)

This week in politics:

  • The U.S. Supreme Court gives Donald Trump the best possible gift: the longest possible delay in his federal trials
  • In Michigan, a new state Senate map from the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission
  • Louisiana’s Ten-Commandments-In-Every-Classroom law is challenged in the courts even as Oklahoma requires biblical training in public schools
  • The Supreme Court also handed down a ruling which legalizes a form of political bribery
  • Michigan’s Legislature finalizes an $82.5-billion budget that targets education and economic development
  • And two senior citizens got into an argument about golf in Atlanta last night. We will devote most of the podcast to that argument and other things they discussed.

We are joined by one of Michigan’s top political communications experts, Dr. Richard Cole. Cole was Governor Blanchard’s communications chief and later Blanchard’s chief of staff. He later chaired Michigan State University’s nationally respected Department of Advertising and Public Relations. He also served as the top communications man at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, working under company president Richard Whitmer … and was a close unofficial adviser to Whitmer’s daughter in her first campaign for Governor.

Cole’s mentors include the legendary Dr. Edward Bernays, the creator of modern public relations whose principles of PR are still the standard a century later both within and outside of politics.


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