I Dissent (Guest: Oakland County Commission Chair David Woodward)

On the week’s podcast:

As we celebrate the revolution 248 years ago that ended the rule of the British monarchy over our nation, we face the prospect of reverting to our British origins.  The U.S. Supreme Court’s radical-right majority has effectively turned this and future presidents into Kings and Queens who are above the law, able to do anything (s)he want under the mantra of “Official Acts”. So God Save the King, Joe the First. We focus on the implications for November and beyond. 

In more mundane-but-still-important news:

  • Governor Whitmer pushes back in VERY plain language that she’s angling to replace Biden on the 2024 national ticket, or that Biden can’t win Michigan.
  • In more normal news, there’s a new state Senate map from the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. We’ll chew over the partisan implications.
  • Louisiana’s Ten-Commandments-In-Every-Classroom law is challenged in the courts even as Oklahoma requires biblical training in public schools
  • Lost in the deluge of last minute rulings is a Supreme Court decision which legalizes a form of political bribery
  • Another little-publicized SCOTUS ruling represents a huge power shift away from both Congress and the Executive Branch – both subject to voter oversight – and into the hands of unelected judges with lifetime appointments.
  • Michigan’s Legislature finalizes an $82.5-billion budget that targets education, housing, public safety and economic development
  • Trump Whisperer Steve Bannon is in Federal Prison 🥳

We’re joined on the podcast by a key leader of what may be Michigan’s most important county politically: Oakland County Commission Chair David Woodward. Woodward  has served as Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners since 2019. He is in his 19th year on the commission.. He previously served as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives from 1999 to 2004. His day job is Michigan executive director of the Center for Progressive Leadership, where he’s worked for 18 years.



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