March Madness (Guest: Saul Anuzis)

Yes, it’s the “March Madness” edition of “A Republic, If You Can Keep It”. This year, the orgy of college basketball is joined by the madness that is Tucker Carlson and Fox News, along with the incredible productivity of the Michigan’s new legislative majority in Lansing. That new Democratic majority is moving major legislation at a … Continue reading March Madness (Guest: Saul Anuzis)

2nd Anniversary Edition (Guest: Corey Dukes)

Contact Us! This weekend marks the beginning of our third year with the podcast. This is show Number 108 since we kicked off our weekly chat with columnist Bill Kristol. Since then, we have had the opportunity to talk with many of the top national and state political leaders, journalists and political operatives. We thank … Continue reading 2nd Anniversary Edition (Guest: Corey Dukes)

“RIP Michigan GOP” (Guest: Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet)

Just when we thought Michigan Republicans couldn’t edge further into the chasm of conspiracy theory crazy, the once Grand Old Party bypasses Trump-and-Pillow-Guy endorsed Matt DePerno for party chair because he just wasn’t extreme enough. Jeff offer an R-rated analysis of the current status of his former party under the dubious leadership of the Tin … Continue reading “RIP Michigan GOP” (Guest: Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet)

Welcome to the Nut House (Guest: AFL CIO President Ron Bieber)

The horror of this week at Michigan State University casts a cloud over our state, and especially the campus just five miles east of the Capitol building. It was the 67th mass shooting in the first 46 days of 2023. As we recorded this week’s podcast, a memorial service was gathering in the center of … Continue reading Welcome to the Nut House (Guest: AFL CIO President Ron Bieber)

Promoting the Vote (Guest: House Elections Chair Penelope Tsernoglou)

The State of the Union becomes a soft launch for the Biden reelection campaign; the Governor’s budget takes full advantage of a massive state surplus; Michigan is officially in the first tier of presidential primary states; and more state Republicans are under criminal investigation. Our guest is the chair of the state House Elections Committee, East … Continue reading Promoting the Vote (Guest: House Elections Chair Penelope Tsernoglou)

Follow the Money (Guests: Lisa Gilbert & Gabe Lezra)

Virtually all political scandals involve either seeking greater power, or money. This week’s discussion focuses on the latter. We are joined in the podcast by two national leaders in the drive to disrupt the political money machine: Gabe Lezra from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (better known as CREW), and Lisa Gilbert from Public Citizen. … Continue reading Follow the Money (Guests: Lisa Gilbert & Gabe Lezra)

#MichiganGrit (Guest: Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks)

Topping the political news this week: the Governor delivers a populist State of the State message, with Democrats in the Legislature cheering repeatedly and Republican members sitting on their hands – even to the point of not cheering a proposal to help young children, or throwing shade at Ohio and Indiana. Mark and Jeff analyze the … Continue reading #MichiganGrit (Guest: Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks)

MAGA Mania (Guest: Denver Riggleman)

We’ve got a MAGA alert agenda this week: Michigan Republicans have a battle of election deniers for chair of their party.  Some top Michigan Republicans want to draft charisma-challenged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to lead the 2024 ticket.  In Ottawa County, the MAGA takeover of the Republican Party is on full display with a purge … Continue reading MAGA Mania (Guest: Denver Riggleman)

The Domino Effect

The Michigan Legislature’s 2023 session has officially started. Democrats, now controlling both chambers for the first time in 40 years, have already introduced a raft of high-priority bills. And the 2024 game of political musical chairs is underway. We update the race to succeed Debbie Stabenow in the Senate, and the likely domino effect of … Continue reading The Domino Effect

The Stabenow Surprise

In Washington D.C., Republicans are a hot mess – with two former Michigan congressmen waiting in the wings as a possible solution. In Michigan – a political shocker. Even as Democrats take full control of state government, Senator Debbie Stabenow drops a political bombshell. Michigan politics has been upended by the decision of Senator Stabenow to … Continue reading The Stabenow Surprise