Laboratories of Autocracy (Guest: David Pepper)

Enactment of the Biden infrastructure plan is a once-in-a-generation investment in America’s economy, but will it translate into political benefits for Democrats? Mark and Jeff discuss the fallout from the bipartisan vote and the bitter recriminations for Republicans who supported the law (including death threats against Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan). They are then joined … Continue reading Laboratories of Autocracy (Guest: David Pepper)

Here, Right Matters (Guests: Col. Alexander and Rachel Vindman)

Follow the Money (Guest: Simon Schuster)

Mark Brewer details the ballot proposal campaign he’s leading to award Michigan’s electoral votes to the national popular vote winner. The proposal, if approved by voters, would only become effective if states representing at least 270 electoral votes (a majority) were a part of the Electoral College Compact. Then, the discussion shifts to money: campaign … Continue reading Follow the Money (Guest: Simon Schuster)

Subverting Future Elections (Guest: Charlie Sykes)

Jeff Timmer and Mark Brewer take a look at an under-reported effort by state Republicans to bring potential chaos to the 2024 election: stacking local boards of canvassers with “Big Lie” disciples. The end game: instead of voters deciding the outcome, Michigan’s Legislature decides who gets the state’s electoral votes. They are then joined by … Continue reading Subverting Future Elections (Guest: Charlie Sykes)

The ONLY Issue – Saving Our Democracy (Guest: Max Boot)

The Big Lie lives on in Michigan and nationally. Mark Brewer and Jeff Timmer comment on the latest efforts to disrupt our democratic system through Trump’s core mendacity. They are then joined by columnist and military historian Max Boot, a self-described former conservative Republican who now says the overriding issue today is preserving our democratic … Continue reading The ONLY Issue – Saving Our Democracy (Guest: Max Boot)

Political Strategy Reimagined (Guest: Dr. Rachel Bitecofer)

President Biden launches a national blitz for his agenda in Michigan. Jeff Timmer and Mark Brewer analyze the President’s choice of location, and the impact of Build Back Better on Michigan Politics. Then they are joined by political scientist and new-age campaign consultant Dr. Rachel Bitecofer. Bitecofer is founder of the STRIKE-PAC. The mission: Where … Continue reading Political Strategy Reimagined (Guest: Dr. Rachel Bitecofer)

By the Numbers (Guest: Pollster Celinda Lake)

Mark Brewer discusses the ballot proposal he’s launching towards getting rid of the Electoral College (no more 2nd-place finishers in the White House), and Jeff analyzes another chaotic week for Michigan Republicans as their big-ticket Mackinac Conference finishes 2nd in attendance to a grassroots rally of party insurgents. They are then joined by nationally renowned … Continue reading By the Numbers (Guest: Pollster Celinda Lake)

Our Own Worst Enemy (guest: Dr. Tom Nichols)

Mark Brewer and Jeff Timmer offer their take on Donald Trump’s intrusion into the Michigan GOP races for Secretary of State and Attorney General. Will his backing of far-right “Big Lie” promoters overcome the private hesitancy of party chair Ron Weiser? The two of them are also veterans of multiple battles over redistricting. They analyze … Continue reading Our Own Worst Enemy (guest: Dr. Tom Nichols)

Can the GOP Be Saved from Itself? (Guest: Joe Trippi)

The gubernatorial campaign of James Craig got off to a rocky start with a blunder-filled “official” announcement. Mark and Jeff evaluate the would-be political slayer of Gretchen Whitmer. They also have a harsh assessment of state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey’s “suggestion” that universities rely less on vaccinations and more on natural immunity. They are … Continue reading Can the GOP Be Saved from Itself? (Guest: Joe Trippi)

The Politics of Abortion, Voter Suppression and School Boards

This week Mark Brewer and Jeff Timmer discuss in depth three of the issues that are driving politics: The Texas ban on virtually all abortions, 49 years after Roe v Wade The red-blue divide on voter suppression laws The new, organized far-right effort to control school boards through intimidation and organization Along the way, we … Continue reading The Politics of Abortion, Voter Suppression and School Boards