Voter Suppression and Redistricting (Guest: Katie Fahey)

Mark and Jeff focus on the latest Republican voter suppression petition drive and how time is running out if the GOP wants the changes in Michigan law to be in effect for the 2022 election. Then they are joined by Katie Fahey, founder of Voters Not Politicians, in a discussion of how the new Independent … Continue reading Voter Suppression and Redistricting (Guest: Katie Fahey)

By the Numbers (Guest: Pollster Bernie Porn)

How does the new John Lewis Voting Rights Act – passed Tuesday by the House of Representatives – offer the potential for breaking the Senate deadlock over the filibuster? Mark Brewer explains changes in the bill and tells why it could convince Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to support bypassing the filibuster to enact the … Continue reading By the Numbers (Guest: Pollster Bernie Porn)

Gaslighting Trump’s America (Guest: Amanda Carpenter)

What does the census mean for upcoming Michigan elections? In the opening segment Mark Brewer and Jeff Timmer, both veterans of redistricting wars, analyze the changes in Michigan’s population. And they discuss the re-emergence of John Engler on the Michigan political stage. In segment two, they are joined by Amanda Carpenter. Carpenter is an American … Continue reading Gaslighting Trump’s America (Guest: Amanda Carpenter)

A Bipartisan Victory … and More (Guest: Senator Gary Peters)

President Joe Biden’s decades of experience in the Senate and his personal faith in compromise were rewarded Tuesday, when his $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed the Senate in a rare bipartisan vote of approval. Mark and Jeff discuss the landmark bill and related issues with Michigan Senator Gary Peters just hours after the historic Senate … Continue reading A Bipartisan Victory … and More (Guest: Senator Gary Peters)

Stand Up for the Republic (Guest: Tara Setmayer)

In the opening segment, Mark Brewer shares his thoughts on his longtime friend and colleague, Sen. Carl Levin. Then Mark is joined by Jeff Timmer and political commentator Tara Setmayer. A llfelong conservative, Tara is a former CNN political commentator, contributor to ABC News and a former Republican Communications Director on Capitol Hill. She has appeared … Continue reading Stand Up for the Republic (Guest: Tara Setmayer)

Michigan and January 6th (Guest: House Dem Leader Donna Lasinski)

So what’s up with James Craig’s “almost running” campaign for Governor? Mark and Jeff analyze the shaky rollout for the GOP’s chosen one, and also discuss Governor Whitmer’s massive campaign fundraising which was helped by the numerous efforts to recall her from office. In the second segment they are joined by the Democratic Leader of … Continue reading Michigan and January 6th (Guest: House Dem Leader Donna Lasinski)

How Michigan Fits the Pattern (Guest: Tom Hamburger)

In the opening segment, Jeff Timmer discusses how the departure of Michigan Republican Party executive director Jason Roe hurts the party as the internal RINO cleansing continues, and details his campaign finance complaint against soon-to-be-official gubernatorial candidate James Craig. Jeff and Mark Brewer are then joined by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Tom Hamburger. He is an investigative … Continue reading How Michigan Fits the Pattern (Guest: Tom Hamburger)

It’s Trump’s Party, Not Mine (Guest: George Conway)

Jeff Timmer and Mark Brewer are joined by outspoken attorney George Conway. Conway, a lifelong conservative, was considered by President Donald Trump for the position of Solicitor General of the United States, and a post as an assistant attorney general heading the Civil Division at the United States Department of Justice, but withdrew himself from consideration.  … Continue reading It’s Trump’s Party, Not Mine (Guest: George Conway)

The Congressional Maze (Guest: Representative Andy Levin)

Mark and Jeff discuss the repercussions of Republicans paying a $200,000 fine after the former party chair turns in the current party chair for a campaign finance violation, as well as the possible gubernatorial candidacy of former Attorney General MIke Cox. Then they are joined by Congressman Andy Levin for a review of President Biden’s … Continue reading The Congressional Maze (Guest: Representative Andy Levin)

Betsy D for Governor? (Guest: Matthew Dowd)

Highlighting this week’s discussion: Jeff Timmer and Mark Brewer take note of the Trump Education Secretary’s recent high visibility in Michigan GOP events … and ask longtime political consultant/analyst Matthew Dowd if the west Michigan billionaire may be angling to take on Gretchen Whitmer in 2022. A native of Detroit, Dowd began his political career … Continue reading Betsy D for Governor? (Guest: Matthew Dowd)